Products are shipped the next business day from our warehouse in Halifax, Canada.
We make all efforts to send through traceable courier (UPS, Fedex, Purolator, DHL etc.)
Happy Shopping
Standard Shipping (3-7 Business Days)
Canada and USA ( Total Order Value)
CA$1.00 to CA$49.99 - CA$8.00
CA$50.00 and up - CA$0.00 (Free Shipping)
Priority Shipping - $18.00 (2-3 Business Days - Flat fee for any order size)
Express Shipping - $21.00 (1-2 Business Days - Flat fee for any order size)
There might be some additional shipping fees for remote locations and would be applicable depending on the postal / zip codes.
Each and every item is double checked before dispatch to avoid customer dissatisfaction. Given the nature and cost associated of the products, we do not offer returns or exchange. In the event where a wrong or a defective product is delivered, please contact us for a resolution.